Mathematical Topics:

Equations 2

Subject 1: Operations on irrational numbers.

  • Level 1 : 3Ö5
  • Level 2 : Ö3 / Ö5
  • Level 3 : (3/Ö2)²
  • Level 4 : Ö2Ö3 / Ö5
  • Level 5 : (7 - Ö3)(7 + Ö3)
  • Level 6 : (3 - 2Ö5)²
  • Level 7 : (3 - 2Ö5)(-7Ö5 + 4)

Subject 2: Solving quadratic equations ax² + c = 0, ax² + bx = 0.

  • Level 1 : Solve the equation 2x² + 3x = 0
  • Level 2 : Solve the equation -3x / (x - 4) = x + 1

Subject 3: Solving quadratic equations ax² + bx + c = 0 having rational solutions.

  • Level 1 : Solve the equation 2x² + 3x - 5 = 0
  • Level 2 : Solve the equation x / (x - 2) = x - 2

Subject 4: Solving quadratic equations ax² + bx + c = 0 having irrational solutions.

  • Level 1 : Solve the equation 2x² + 3x - 6 = 0
  • Level 2 : Solve the equation x/(x - 2) = x - 7

Subject 5: Solving quadratic inequalities ax² + bx + c > 0.

  • Level 1 : Solve the inequality 2x² + 3x - 5 > 0

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